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resting place n.1.休息所[室]。2.墳墓。3.【建筑】=landi...


We have come to dedi - cate a portion of that field , as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live 我們現今來到這里,奉獻那個戰場上的一部分土地,作為在此地為那個國家的生存而犧牲了自己生命的人永久眠息之所。

We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live 我們來到這里,奉獻那個戰場上的一部分土地,作為在此地為那個國家的生存而犧牲了自己生命的人的永久眠息之所。

Durrington walls was used for feasts and rituals that celebrated life , while stonehenge was both a memorial and final resting place for the dead , the archaeologist speculates 杜靈頓墻用于節日和慶祝生命,而巨石陣則是緬懷和容留逝者的場所。

They surrounded the benjaminites , chased them , and trampled them at the resting place , as far as over against gibeah toward the setting of the sun 43以色列人圍繞便雅憫人,追趕他們,在他們歇息之處,直到基比亞對面向著日出之處,踐踏他們。

We have come to dedicated a portion of that field , as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that [ delete doubled word . ] nation might live 把這戰場之一角奉獻給那些為國家生存而捐軀的人們,作為他們的最后安息之地。

Make your point as best you can , but take care to leave whitespace so the eyes have a resting place where they can digest what you ' ve said 在最大限度闡明要點的同時,不要忘了給用戶的眼睛留有些空白,這樣用戶才有余地消化你所講述的內容。

We have come to dedicate a portion of that field , as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that nation might live 我們來到這里,將這戰場上的一小塊土地奉獻給那些為國家生存而英勇捐軀的人們,作為他們最后的安息之地。

We have come to dedicate a portion of it as a final resting place for those who died here that the nation might live 烈士們為使這個國家能夠生存下去而獻出了自己的生命,我們聚集到這里,是要把這個戰場的一部分奉獻給他們作為最安息之所。

We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live 我們來到這里,將這戰場上的一小塊土地奉獻給那些為國家生存而捐軀的人,以作為他們最后安息之地。

I have been wondering how your boundless love for this family and your children would be all taken to your resting place 本來一直在納悶,媽媽你對家庭、對兒女千鈞萬斛的愛,難道真的就這樣,這樣輕易地,跟隨著你,埋入了你的藏休之地?

Finally , in 1988 , the olympic flag found its resting place in lausanne , switzerland , where it holds a place of honor in the olympic museum 最終,奧運會會旗在1988年安身于瑞士洛桑的奧林匹克博物館,在那里她擁有著自己光榮的一席之地。

Judge larry seidlin decided the attorney appointed to represent smith ' s infant daughter will be the one to decide the celebrity ' s final resting place 法官拉里希德林判決讓這名作為史密斯女嬰授權代表的律師,來決定明星的最終安息地。

We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live 我們來到這里把這戰場上的一部分奉獻給那些為國家生存而捐軀的人們,作為他們的最后安息之地。

Heaven is my throne , and the earth is my footstool . what kind of house will you build for me ? says the lord . or where will my resting place be 49主說,天是我的座位,地是我的腳凳。你們要為我造何等的殿宇?哪里是我安息的地方呢?

Judge larry seidlin decided the attorney appointed to represent smith ' s infant daughter will be the one to decide the celebrity ' s final resting place 法官拉里.賽得林裁決將由代表史密斯幼女的這名律師決定這位名人的最后安息地。

Then in that day the nations will resort to the root of jesse , who will stand as a signal for the peoples ; and his resting place will be glorious 賽11 : 10到那日、耶西的根立作萬民的大旗外邦人必尋求他他安息之所大有榮耀。

We have come to dedicate a portion of that field , as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live 而吾等將奉獻此戰場之部分,作為這群交付彼者生命讓那國度勉能生存的人們最后安息之處。

Judge larry seidlin decided the attorney appointed to represent smith ' s infant daughter will be the one to decide the celebrity ' s final resting place 拉里?塞德林法官指派史密斯幼女的代表律師來決定這位名人的最終安息地。

And sharon will be an abode for the flock , and the valley of achor a resting place for the herd , for my people who have sought me 10沙侖平原必成為羊群的圈,亞割谷必成為牛群躺臥之處,都為那尋求我、屬我的民所得。